About Us
The Orchid Society of Highlands County meets on the 4th Monday of every month, all year. Meetings begin at 7pm with a short club update, followed by a presentation from a professional orchid grower. After a refreshment break, the grower evaluates orchids brought in by members (aka "Show and Tell") and the evening ends with grower-donated orchids going home as raffle prizes. Be sure to arrive early to buy raffle tickets and to browse the guest speaker's orchids for sale.
Meeting location: Emmanuel United Church of Christ, 3115 Hope Street, Sebring (off Hammock Road)
President: Margaret Dear admin@orchidsocietyhighlands.org
1st VP: Susie Whitehead admin@orchidsocietyhighlands.org
2nd VP: Tracy Kinne kntra8@hotmail.com
Treasurer: Karla Dreier treasurer@orchidsocietyhighlands.org
Trustee: Michelle Brod michellebrod66@gmail.com
Trustee: Martha Carpenter cjamesmartha@aol.com
Trustee: Lori Coon yankeecoon14@yahoo.com
Trustee: Colleen Polatty polatty@earthlink.net
Trustee: Sandi Smith
Trustee: Linda Woloski ldwoloskienp@centurylink.net
If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions please contact one of the officers or board members.